Saturday, 28 May 2011

Equivalence partitioning and Boundary Value Analysis.

Password field is there,we can accepts every character except underscore and semicolon. It can accept min 6 characters and maximum 12 characters. Prepare boundary value and equivalence class test case 

Question  by Mudaseer Ahmed

We will understand what is Equivalence partitioning and Boundary Value analysis.  

Equivalence partitioning : is a testing technique where input values required for testing are grouped into two classes
1. Valid Inputs  Class: Class which holds all the valid inputs.
2.Invalid Inputs Class: Class which holds all the Invalid inputs

Eg;  To Check the Password which can accept all the characters except underscore("_") and Semicolon(";")
and which accepts characters length 6 and maximum 12. 

We Define a Equivalence classes

Now to perform positive testing, Consider set of values from class EC1,When the password is entered "Password is accepted"

To perform Negative Testing choose the values from class EC2 and EC3, When the password is entered from these classes "Password shall not be accepted by the System"

Boundary Value analysis : Is a testing technique , where values for testing are chosen from the class which falls within different boundries

Eg; To test the password field which accepts minimum of 6 characters and Maximum of 12 Characters. 

We will define the boundary of each class of Inputs

To satisfy Boundary value, tester will have to write Test Cases considering values from  Valid region and each Invalid Region and Values which define exact boundary.
For our example we require 5 Test Cases
1. Consider password length less than 6
2. Consider password of length exactly 6
3. Consider password of length between 7 and 11
4. Consider password of length exactly 12
5. Consider password of length more than 12 

Note : 1st and 5th Test Cases are considered for Negative Testing

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